
Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Narrative Writing

At 5 in the morning Victoria and Kolopa and Luisa sneaked into a house to steal money so they keeped on looking until they fond it. They were in the hallway and they founds LOTS of rooms so they did not Know if one of them are a room or not. Earlier that day the family decided to paint the door all white because they did not like the color before and things got crazy. victoria and kolopa are going so this was their plan victoria was going in a room and kolopa went into another room. When they checked it the neighbor woke up and knock on the door but the family didn't wake up so kolopa went to see in the key hole and it was luisa.But actually it was not it was a picture because the neighbor knowed there was a someone there so now they went into a fight and the family woke up and saw the fight so they decided to help the neighbors fight with them too and when they fighted the family pushed kolopa and victoria and luisa out there house and they started running away. Then it was the next day kolopa victoria and lusia knocked on the door to apologize and the family let them in and the sat on the couch and started talking and things got better and better. 

Today I had to peer edit with austin and we relased that we had to put fullstops in my story so it will make sence.

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