
Monday, 27 July 2020

3 GOALS this term and why I chose them !

-My first goal is to do an upgrade in reading and to level up so that I can achieve where I want to be !

-Another goal is to learn new things at home before I go Literacy !

-My last but not least GOAL is to get in higher levels in Writing !

-The reason why I picked the first goal is because Reading is one of my Favourite things to do and i also want to achieve my level or go up to 12 yrs of age.

-My other Reason why I would learn new things before I go to literacy is because that i could understand things in a easier way.

- Reason why I wanna get higher in writing is so i can improve myself and describe tings easier!

1 comment:

  1. Malo Luisa! I love that you have set yourself some good goals to achieve. You can do it!
