
Thursday, 8 July 2021

What happened in term 2!

Good morning and greetings to you all! for today's task Rm 3 had to make a poster about what had happened in term 2, here are some photos that I found that we did in term 2, as you can see Pt England school has done many things this term! One of my favourite things that happened was Fiafia night since everyone got to go on a big stage showing their beautiful culture by dancing!  I will never forget that night again. What was your favourite? 

1 comment:

  1. Malo Luisa! I was so happy to finally meet your mother at our parent interview evening. I remember your mum when Mote was a student at PES! Well done on completing this post. It's one of those special ones where you'll look back in time to see the precious events you were a part of! Enjoy you break
